Sunday, October 27, 2013

Oct. 18 Letter

First thing in the morning...
This week FLEEEEEWWWWW by soo fast it feels like!! I think it is because i am starting to lose myself in the work! at first i will be honest and say i wasn't loving the MTC, but now that i know the importance of the work i have come to appreciate the time i have here and am valuing every second! The people here are awesome!! I have made soooooo many lasting friends here! The spirit is indeed our comforter when we need it! There have definitely been times of stress and frustration but without fail as soon as i offer a prayer i am overwhelmed with a sense of love and appreciation for all i have. I love all you guys soooo much! the experience here is priceless! I will get on later today and email in more depth as for my week! Love You!!

Elder Schoen!

PS Love the Price is Right!!!!!!!!! (Courtney's note: I sent him pictures/screen shots of me and Mom and the Price is Right, he of course hasn't seen it yet)

Later on that day...

We have the opportunity to teach basically everyday here which is sooo nice! and on pdays we get to do TRC which is where you teach members who come in and speak the language and it is basically just a home teaching visit! it is very cool! 

And my favorite scripture this week is Moroni 7:48. It talks all about prayer! That chapter is the bom(b) (get it Book of Mormon) haha.... It is all about charity which i love!! 
Moroni 7:48
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, apray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true bfollowers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall cbe like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be dpurified even as he is pure. Amen. 

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